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"Free Running Circuit" by "Floating Isle"

This track has been reported as not safe for family or work, it will be reviewed by a moderator.

This track has 15.2 adjusted votes since 2011-11-02, which is 95% of 16 votes.

The track is at position 539, which is the same as yesterday's chart position. On a week-by-week average, the track is the same as last week's position.

Chart positions: 2022-08-12:539, 2022-08-13:539, 2022-08-14:539, 2022-08-15:539, 2022-08-16:539, 2022-08-17:539, 2022-08-18:539, 2022-08-19:539, 2022-08-20:539, 2022-08-21:539, 2022-08-22:539, 2022-08-23:539, 2022-08-24:539, 2022-08-25:539, 2022-08-26:539, 2022-08-27:539, 2022-08-28:539, 2022-08-29:539, 2022-08-30:539, 2022-08-31:539, 2022-09-01:539, 2022-09-02:539, 2022-09-03:539, 2022-09-04:539, 2022-09-05:539, 2022-09-06:539, 2022-09-07:539, 2022-09-08:539, 2022-09-09:539, 2022-09-10:539, 2022-09-11:539, 2022-09-12:539, 2022-09-13:539, 2022-09-14:539, 2022-09-15:539, 2022-09-16:539, 2022-09-17:539, 2022-09-18:539, 2022-09-19:539, 2022-09-20:539, 2022-09-21:539, 2022-09-22:539, 2022-09-23:539, 2022-09-24:539, 2022-09-25:539, 2022-09-26:539, 2022-09-27:539, 2022-09-28:539, 2022-09-29:539, 2022-09-30:539, 2022-10-01:539, 2022-10-02:539, 2022-10-03:539, 2022-10-04:539, 2022-10-05:539, 2022-10-06:539, 2022-10-07:539, 2022-10-08:539, 2022-10-09:539, 2022-10-10:539 (H:539, L:539)

If you want to download this file, please visit the link to the track above. If that link is not working, you can download it here.

This track is licensed: cc-by-nc-sa

This track has also been played on the following shows:

Show Votes
Non-show votes11.4 (95% of 12)
Crivins Episode 01.9 (95% of 2)
The CCHits.net Daily Exposure Show for 2012-02-230.95 (95% of 1)
The CCHits.net Weekly Review Show for 2012-02-260.95 (95% of 1)