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The CCHits.net Weekly Review Show for 2018-04-01

QR Code for this track "Ho He" by "Zinegoline"

QR Code for this track "James Alley Blues" by "Tony Petersen"

QR Code for this track "Girls Like You" by "The Spin Wires"

QR Code for this track "Stay Awake" by "Becays"

QR Code for this track "No Country Song" by "thejunetominfluence"

QR Code for this track "The Hill" by "Plants"

QR Code for this track "Give Me" by "The Same Persons"

QR Code for this track "Zombies in The Skatepark" by "Raincity Ghouls"

QR Code for this track "Earth's Runaway" by "Cone Stone"