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The CCHits.net Weekly Review Show for 2021-12-26

QR Code for this track "Fear of Thirteen" by "L.M.W."

QR Code for this track "Country Lady" by "Breezeless"

QR Code for this track "Satisfaction of Sheeps" by "Wallcrush"

QR Code for this track "Time To Die" by "AFAKE"

QR Code for this track "Horses" by "Joshua Wales"

QR Code for this track "Orange Juice" by "Sonia Isabel"

QR Code for this track "Of Strange Lands and People" by "Talking Cure"

QR Code for this track "So High" by "Caroline"

QR Code for this track "Good Old Spider" by "White Owl"

QR Code for this track "Shine" by "Kristian Vuljar"