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The CCHits.net Weekly Review Show for 2022-01-16

QR Code for this track "Miracles (feat. Snowflake)" by "Kristian Vuljar"

QR Code for this track "Nice Guys" by "Michael Cohen"

QR Code for this track "Breaking Up (After One Year)" by "Wallcrush"

QR Code for this track "Looking At The Tracks" by "Kinnaber Junction"

QR Code for this track "Feels Like Summer Again" by "James Bell"

QR Code for this track "Abandonnée" by "Naomi"

QR Code for this track "Breaking News (feat. Kailo)" by "Gun Mickey Scars"

QR Code for this track "Baila" by "Alfonso Lugo"

QR Code for this track "Skyline" by "Igor Pumphonia"

QR Code for this track "Equilibrium" by "Mahidevran Rock Band"