"Knots and Seams" by "Secret Babies"
"TMI" by "Grayscale"
"orla" by "jespa"
"Snow flies over the mountains" by "Brigitte Wittenhagen"
"Shangri-La (instrumental)" by "YACHT"
"Broken Stereo (Acoustic Version)" by "Sean Fournier"
"kaze no tani no naushika" by "Poorpot"
"Come Back To You" by "Silence is Sexy"
"seven sisters" by "Bert Jerred"
"Dead but still dancing" by "UltraSyd"
"Nanof" by "Adamned Age"
"Mechanical Butterfly" by "Mechanical Butterfly"
"The Close Western" by "The Rest"
"Gonna Make It Through This Year" by "Great Lake Swimmers"
"Glitter Bomb" by "Juanitos"
"Capulet" by "The Rope River Blues Band"
"Do You Really" by "Richtaste"
"Earthbreaker" by "Mobster"
"Quittin' Time" by "Patrick Lee"
"Paramour" by "Bert Jerred"
"Monkey Said" by "The Freak Fandango Orchestra"
"Requiem for a fish" by "The Freak Fandango Orchestra"
"Graveyard" by "The Liquid Kitchen"
"Here Comes The Wave" by "Silence is Sexy"
"Where People Are Going To Be" by "The Boy From Space"
"Bard, Poet, Rapper, Scribe" by "Beltaine's Fire"
"Machinery of the Stars" by "Scott Buckley - www.scottbuckley.com.au"
"At dawn" by "Distemper"
"Deep Sea Diver" by "Heifervescent"
"Heirloom" by "The Black Atlantic"
"Do What You Can" by "Lee Rosevere"
"something" by "airtone"
"perro" by "Digi G'Alessio"
"Reflections (feat Pixieguts)" by "Max Waves"
"The Handyman's Lament" by "Josh Woodward"
"The Soundtrack Of Our Summer" by "The League"
"Goals" by "The Dark Clan"
"Don't Know Why" by "Jamie Rumley"
"Rails" by "Bing and Ruth"
"We All Fall Down" by "Lorenzo's Music"