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The CCHits.net Weekly Review Show for 2012-06-17

QR Code for this track "Radio Air" by "Jokerman"

QR Code for this track "If You're Lost For Somewhere Else To Be" by "The Heavens"

QR Code for this track "Sai-k-delic Party" by "Juanitos"

QR Code for this track "Sounds From The Past" by "Mindthings"

QR Code for this track "Chocolate and Cocaine" by "Lorenzo's Music"

QR Code for this track "Misery Loves Company" by "Squeaky Chairs Band"

QR Code for this track "Black Satellite " by "Tenpenny Joke"

QR Code for this track "Fire Wind" by "John Sotter ~ Acoustic Warrior"

QR Code for this track "Enjoy The Apple" by "Fresh Body Shop"

QR Code for this track "Dance" by "We Are FM"