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The CCHits.net Weekly Review Show for 2012-06-10

QR Code for this track "Enjoy The Apple" by "Fresh Body Shop"

QR Code for this track "Surveillance" by "La Dame Blanche"

QR Code for this track "Insensitive" by "Tongue"

QR Code for this track "Long Goodbyes" by "I Am Not Lefthanded"

QR Code for this track "Babylon Crossfire" by "Moonbuggy"

QR Code for this track "Fire Wind" by "John Sotter ~ Acoustic Warrior"

QR Code for this track "Dance" by "We Are FM"

QR Code for this track "DE SOL A SOL" by "EL GLOBO DE FALCON"

QR Code for this track "Stone Root" by "Lightnin' Seed"

QR Code for this track "DragonTales" by "Butterfly Tea"